Here is an idea to best prepare for your first lesson: have a piece of music or your repertoire list ready. It will give you a jump to new music sooner.
Composer of the Month of September
Clara Wieck Schumann (Sept. 13, 1819 - May 20 1896) was a German musician, one of the leading pianists of the Romantic era, as well as a composer, and wife of composer Robert Schumann. Clara Schumann had a brilliant career as a pianist from the age of thirteen up to her marriage. From the time of her husband's death she devoted herself principally to the interpretation of her husband's works.
Q: Can you guess which famous composer quit school at the age of 11?
A: Ludwig van Beethoven was the grade school dropout. His dad really wanted Ludwig to be a child prodigy like Mozart, so he started young Beethoven playing piano at a very early age. He was so young, in fact, that he had to stand on the bench to reach the keys! His dad even lied about his son's age, in order to make him seem two years younger. Ludwig himself thought he was born in 1772 instead of 1770. He quit school at age 11, and by 16, was the court organist to the elector of Bonn, Germany. (Although, it wasn't called Germany back then.) Apparently he was also a whiz at sight-reading, which helped him get the job.
1. Romantic era composer.
5. Gradually softer.
6. Composer who quit school at age 11.
7. It separates the measures.
8. Another name for Time Signature.
11. Half-step down.
14. The dot under or over a note.
A: Ludwig van Beethoven was the grade school dropout. His dad really wanted Ludwig to be a child prodigy like Mozart, so he started young Beethoven playing piano at a very early age. He was so young, in fact, that he had to stand on the bench to reach the keys! His dad even lied about his son's age, in order to make him seem two years younger. Ludwig himself thought he was born in 1772 instead of 1770. He quit school at age 11, and by 16, was the court organist to the elector of Bonn, Germany. (Although, it wasn't called Germany back then.) Apparently he was also a whiz at sight-reading, which helped him get the job.
Now for a little fun!
If you fill out this crossword puzzle correctly, you win a prize! Just copy it onto "word" document, fill it out, then bring it to the lesson for me to see. The clues are below.
2. Curved line from one note to a different note.
3. Half-step up.
4. Forte.
9. What did Beethoven do at age 16?
10. It tells you to hold extra long.
12. Curved line from one note to the same note.
13. Gradually louder.
15. Upper region of the piano.
16. Lower region of the piano.
17. Symbol that gets rid of the sharps and flats.
18. Soft.
3. Half-step up.
4. Forte.
9. What did Beethoven do at age 16?
10. It tells you to hold extra long.
12. Curved line from one note to the same note.
13. Gradually louder.
15. Upper region of the piano.
16. Lower region of the piano.
17. Symbol that gets rid of the sharps and flats.
18. Soft.
1. Romantic era composer.
5. Gradually softer.
6. Composer who quit school at age 11.
7. It separates the measures.
8. Another name for Time Signature.
11. Half-step down.
14. The dot under or over a note.
Good Luck!